Personalized Greeting: Customers are warmly greeted by a service adviser who assists with their purchase.
Guided Entry: An attentive attendant guides customers onto the conveyor, occasionally preparing the vehicle for the wash.
Attendant-Assisted Wash: The vehicle, accompanied by the attendant, goes through the wash tunnel before exiting.
Finishing Touch: After the wash, the attendant parks the vehicle in a designated finishing area. Here, our skilled employees hand-dry the vehicle and perform additional services like tire shine or hand-wax if purchased.

Key Features of Exterior:
Efficient Labor Management: Running an exterior wash is more labor-efficient than a full-service wash. With fewer employees and most of them stationed at the same location, you'll experience smoother operations. By eliminating production steps from certain exterior washes, you can open earlier and stay open later, often requiring only one or two employees.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Offering limited extra services not only increases the average per car ticket but also reduces customer wait times. This adds significant value for the customer and minimizes the risk of losing customers to other car washes in the area.