Full-service washes will often offer additional services like detail or express detail, impulse items in a lobby setting, or in some cases a lube center.


  1. Customer drives onto the lot and gets out of the car.
  2. Customer is greeted by a service adviser who recommends car wash services to them.
  3. The customer either pays for the wash there, or gets a presell ticket which they take to a cashier inside a lobby.
  4. The car is vacuumed.
  5. An employee drives the vehicle into the wash tunnel.
  6. Inside the tunnel is a conveyor that moves the vehicle through the wash while timed equipment and chemicals clean and partially dry the vehicle.
  7. At the other end, another employee drives the vehicle to the finishing area where employees dry off the vehicle, clean the glass, and wipe the dash.

For more information on this business model or if you have questions about any of our products please contact us.


  • Full-Service claims the highest ticket average per car
    • One of the most attractive features of a full-service wash is the income potential. Of all the car wash business models, full-service claims the highest ticket average per car. This is due to the perceived value of the wash, and the customer interaction.
  • Customer Interaction
    • There are multiple points of contact with a full-service wash.
      • The service adviser or greeter
      • The cashier
      • The employee that delivers the car to the customer.
    • All of these are opportunities for you to add value to your service offerings, and to get valuable feedback from your loyal customers on the job you are doing. No other wash segment offers this much customer interaction.
  • Customer Loyalty
    • A higher cost of entry and a steeper learning curve might not seem like an advantage to operating a full-service wash. However, if done correctly, those hurdles make it that much more difficult for a competitor to move into your trade area and attempt to lure your loyal customers away.

Full-Service Product Solutions


Auto Passport

Digital Menu Sign

Auto Sentry Flex

AS® Flex

Tunnel Master

AS® Petro

Entrance & Exit Management Sign